Girls from 9th Bath (Beechen Cliff) Brownies enjoyed a sleepover adventure in Bath during the Christmas holidays, including a trip to The Egg Theatre and Pizza Express for a meal out together.

Girls from across Bath have been celebrating Christmas in a variety of ways, including taking part in some crafty, eatable and adventurous activities. It looks like everyone has been having a lot of fun to round off the term!

9th Bath (Beechen Cliff) Guides held an alternative Christmas party with a tropical theme to raise money for the Girlguiding branches in the Caribbean that were affected by Hurricane Irma earlier this term.

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from Bath South West District came together this week at St Alphege’s Church to mark the beginning of the Christmas season with a joint carol service.

One of our local Girlguiding Bath volunteers has started the BathRocks Facebook group, encouraging local people to share their creativity. 21st Bath (Ascension) Guides got the ball rolling with their beautiful designs…

Girls from 57th Bath (Bathampton) and 51st Bath (Bathford) Guides enjoyed a Disney-themed camp at Badminton Cottages this half term, which included rope climbing, sweet making and a campfire – complete with s’mores, of course!