16th Bath Rainbows made ‘kind and helpful’ bees to remember the words they say when they make their promise.🐝 Could you be kind and helpful too? We’re on the lookout for volunteers – get in touch or register on the Girlguiding website.

41st Brownies visited Herschel Museum of Astronomy which was a real treat for National Astronomy Week. 🔭🪐 They learned all about the lives of Caroline and William Herschel, as well as completing the first clause of the Space Interest badge. They spent some time looking at the moon, Jupiter and Mars in the very same … Read more

9th Guides have been working on their Whittling, Fixing and Photography badges for the last couple of weeks. They have had fun learning how to use a film camera and making photo albums, whittling whistles, and learning to fix their clothes and bikes!

39th Brownies received a letter thanking them for raising funds for Great western air ambulance. Great effort girls!

9th Guides had sun, rain and thunder on their camp and still managed to have a lot of fun! They had a campfire, went stand up paddle boarding and did archery, tie dyed t-shirts, and completed the Backwoods Cooking Guide badge!

88th Rainbows worked towards their biscuit badge. They designed their own biscuits and played tic tac toe with biscuits. They also made a time capsule to open on their last session of rainbows, and decorated bunting.

Bath Rangers had a fab day in London! They met up with some Rangers from London and saw lots of sights, including Parliament, Trafalgar and Leicester Squares, the British Library (where we had lunch in their piazza) and Hay’s Galleria. They even got a boat up the river!

Our Guides have been making the most of the lovely weather to practice putting tents up. Looks like they’re ready for camp in a few weeks! Guides is for girls aged 10-14 and we have groups meeting all over Bath on different evenings. Register your daughter herehttps://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-a-child/

41st Bath Brownies have spent the last couple of meetings working towards their Barbados Challenge Badge. Leader Ella is off to spend 3 weeks in Barbados in the summer as part of GOLD (Girlguiding overseas linked with development) and the badge is part of her fundraising efforts. It’s been a really interesting badge to earn … Read more