Anna McNuff Runs Barefoot to Bath

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We were absolutely delighted to host adventurer Anna McNuff at The Forum, where over 300 girls had the chance to hear her amazing stories and inspect her feet as she nears the end of her #BarefootBritain challenge.

Global adventurer Anna McNuff is running 2620 miles – the distance of 100 marathons – barefoot. Barefoot Britain will take five months to complete. Anna began Barefoot Britain in the Shetland Islands on Sunday 2 June and finishes in London on Sunday 10 November.

Anna is running barefoot across coastlines, through villages, across moors, over mountains, along beaches, over farmland – and even down a few A-roads.

As an ambassador for Girlguiding, the UK’s leading charity for girls and young women, Anna will visit thousands of girls and young women in Girlguiding throughout her journey to talk to them about adventure and challenge.

Access to adventure is a top issue for girls. In April, Girlguiding launched its major new manifesto for girl-led change. This was shaped by research with 76,000 girls in guiding.

Girls said they want access to adventure and play without fear, and the opportunity to play the sports that boys play too. They want to enjoy activity spaces that are accessible to all girls, and for women’s sport to be treated equally to men’s sport.

Anna is using her journey to encourage more people to inspire the girls of tomorrow by volunteering today.

Anna said:

“Girls want adventure. They want to have exciting experiences without worrying about being treated differently or feeling unsafe because they are girls. Barefoot Britain will show girls that adventure is as much for them as it is for boys.

“All the way through Barefoot Britain, I’ll be talking to girls and young women about taking on adventures and doing things that scare them. I want to show girls that their gender is not a barrier for adventure and to encourage the girls and young women of the
UK to be their brilliant selves.

“There are so many people out there who care about the future for girls. And Girlguiding makes a huge difference to the lives of girls and the women they will go on to be. So I will use my journey to encourage women and men to volunteer for Girlguiding. I want to show people how rewarding it is to support girls in their adventures – and how that’s an adventure in itself. Just you being you can make a real difference. Join over 100,000 Girlguiding volunteers and give more girls the chance to shine.”

Thank you to Anna and all of the volunteers who helped make her visit to Bath possible!

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Photo Gallery

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_gallery _builder_version=”4.0.2″ gallery_ids=”4851,4852,4854,4856,4855,4853,4850,4849,4845,4848,4846,4847″ show_title_and_caption=”off” hover_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_gallery][et_pb_gallery gallery_ids=”514,513,512,511″ show_title_and_caption=”off” _builder_version=”3.21.4″ max_width=”90%”][/et_pb_gallery][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]

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You can be an inspiration for girls and young women. Inspire the next generation by just being yourself and being there. Find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding:

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Follow us on Facebook to see how we give girls the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good across Bath


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You can be an inspiration for girls and young women. Inspire the next generation by just being yourself and being there.

Find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding:

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We were absolutely delighted to host adventurer Anna McNuff at The Forum, where over 300 girls had the chance to hear her amazing stories and inspect her feet as she nears the end of her #BarefootBritain challenge.

Global adventurer Anna McNuff is running 2620 miles – the distance of 100 marathons – barefoot. Barefoot Britain will take five months to complete. Anna began Barefoot Britain in the Shetland Islands on Sunday 2 June and finishes in London on Sunday 10 November.

Anna is running barefoot across coastlines, through villages, across moors, over mountains, along beaches, over farmland – and even down a few A-roads.

As an ambassador for Girlguiding, the UK’s leading charity for girls and young women, Anna will visit thousands of girls and young women in Girlguiding throughout her journey to talk to them about adventure and challenge.

Access to adventure is a top issue for girls. In April, Girlguiding launched its major new manifesto for girl-led change. This was shaped by research with 76,000 girls in guiding.

Girls said they want access to adventure and play without fear, and the opportunity to play the sports that boys play too. They want to enjoy activity spaces that are accessible to all girls, and for women’s sport to be treated equally to men’s sport.

Anna is using her journey to encourage more people to inspire the girls of tomorrow by volunteering today.

Anna said:

“Girls want adventure. They want to have exciting experiences without worrying about being treated differently or feeling unsafe because they are girls. Barefoot Britain will show girls that adventure is as much for them as it is for boys.

“All the way through Barefoot Britain, I’ll be talking to girls and young women about taking on adventures and doing things that scare them. I want to show girls that their gender is not a barrier for adventure and to encourage the girls and young women of the
UK to be their brilliant selves.

“There are so many people out there who care about the future for girls. And Girlguiding makes a huge difference to the lives of girls and the women they will go on to be. So I will use my journey to encourage women and men to volunteer for Girlguiding. I want to show people how rewarding it is to support girls in their adventures – and how that’s an adventure in itself. Just you being you can make a real difference. Join over 100,000 Girlguiding volunteers and give more girls the chance to shine.”

Thank you to Anna and all of the volunteers who helped make her visit to Bath possible!

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Photo Gallery

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_gallery _builder_version=”4.0.2″ gallery_ids=”4851,4852,4854,4856,4855,4853,4850,4849,4845,4848,4846,4847″ show_title_and_caption=”off” hover_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_gallery][et_pb_gallery gallery_ids=”514,513,512,511″ show_title_and_caption=”off” _builder_version=”3.21.4″ max_width=”90%”][/et_pb_gallery][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]

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You can be an inspiration for girls and young women. Inspire the next generation by just being yourself and being there. Find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding:

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”” button_text=”Join Us” _builder_version=”3.21.4″ background_layout=”dark” custom_margin=”||90px” global_module=”534″][/et_pb_button][et_pb_blurb title=”Girlguiding Bath on Facebook” url=”” image=”” admin_label=”Girlguiding Somerset North on Facebook” module_class=”blurb-4″ _builder_version=”3.22.4″ animation=”off” link_option_url=”” border_width_bottom=”3px” border_color_bottom=”#4388c7″ global_module=”535″]

Follow us on Facebook to see how we give girls the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good across Bath


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