Brownie Bake Off Challenge

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1st Bath (St Luke’s) Brownies held a special Brownie Bake Off Challenge to make and decorate fairy cakes to celebrate Barn Owl making her Promise as a Brownie leader.

The girls were given 50 minutes in which to make, bake and decorate their cakes, which were judged by Barn Owl and special guests Badger (who introduced Barn Owl to Girlguiding) and Barn Owl’s sister, who came along to celebrate with Barn Owl’s beautiful baby niece.

The Brownies had to follow the instructions themselves and decide how to ice their cakes, just like they would in a Technical Challenge on GBBO. All of their cakes looked and tasted amazing, and in the end the competition was declared a draw.

Special congratulations to Barn Owl for making her Promise in front of all of their girls and officially completing her Leadership Qualification!

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Photo Gallery

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You can be an inspiration for girls and young women. Inspire the next generation by just being yourself and being there.

Find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding:

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1st Bath (St Luke’s) Brownies held a special Brownie Bake Off Challenge to make and decorate fairy cakes to celebrate Barn Owl making her Promise as a Brownie leader.

The girls were given 50 minutes in which to make, bake and decorate their cakes, which were judged by Barn Owl and special guests Badger (who introduced Barn Owl to Girlguiding) and Barn Owl’s sister, who came along to celebrate with Barn Owl’s beautiful baby niece.

The Brownies had to follow the instructions themselves and decide how to ice their cakes, just like they would in a Technical Challenge on GBBO. All of their cakes looked and tasted amazing, and in the end the competition was declared a draw.

Special congratulations to Barn Owl for making her Promise in front of all of their girls and officially completing her Leadership Qualification!

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Photo Gallery

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You can be an inspiration for girls and young women. Inspire the next generation by just being yourself and being there. Find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding:

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Follow us on Facebook to see how we give girls the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good across Bath and North Somerset.


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