We’re running a stall at the library on Saturday (8th June) to raise awareness of Girlguiding and hopefully recruit some new volunteers. This is part of the Big Help Out and volunteers week. The stall will be for 4 hours 10-2 and we need your help! Please let Vanessa know if you’re available to help … Read more

88th Rainbows worked towards their biscuit badge. They designed their own biscuits and played tic tac toe with biscuits. They also made a time capsule to open on their last session of rainbows, and decorated bunting.

This is our last chance to get involved in Bath carnival – we need someone to volunteer to coordinate our part of the carnival procession please before the deadline at the end of the week! Last year the girls and volunteers had a great time dancing around the streets of Bath and we’d like to … Read more

It will soon be volunteers week, a chance to thank volunteers all over the country, and that includes you! It would be great to showcase some of your stories about volunteering. This could be a short quote or a blog, a video or anything else you think could capture what you do with Girlguiding and … Read more

Bath Rangers had a fab day in London! They met up with some Rangers from London and saw lots of sights, including Parliament, Trafalgar and Leicester Squares, the British Library (where we had lunch in their piazza) and Hay’s Galleria. They even got a boat up the river!

57th Guides are planning a camp for this summer and have only had 7 sign up. As Alice is doing her permit they need 8! The camp is 16th to 18th August at Briarlands, they would need a leader from your unit and a least a couple girls.Please let Alice know asap if you are … Read more

Our Guides have been making the most of the lovely weather to practice putting tents up. Looks like they’re ready for camp in a few weeks! Guides is for girls aged 10-14 and we have groups meeting all over Bath on different evenings. Register your daughter herehttps://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-a-child/

41st Bath Brownies have spent the last couple of meetings working towards their Barbados Challenge Badge. Leader Ella is off to spend 3 weeks in Barbados in the summer as part of GOLD (Girlguiding overseas linked with development) and the badge is part of her fundraising efforts. It’s been a really interesting badge to earn … Read more

This year’s county day is fast approaching. On Sunday 9th June come along for training opportunities, fun activities and a chance to catch up with those leaders you haven’t seen for ages or get to know those you haven’t get met. It’s at the beautiful Yeo valley HQ with a 2 course lunch overlooking the … Read more

We are planning to set up a presence on LinkedIn and would appreciate some advice from anyone who uses it regularly. This would be a short term (one month) commitment to share what you know with the social media team and make some initial connections using what you already know. Please let Laura know if … Read more