We have a large bag of tea towels. Would anyone like them for their unit or personal use before they go to the charity shop? Please let Laura know if you’re interested divisioncommissioner@girlguidingbath.org.uk

North west region are running webinars with Young Minds to help our members understand more about young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Have you booked your place yet? This webinar will: This training is available for any adult volunteers (18+) including those outside of the North West region so grab your place now ✨ There … Read more

Don’t forget to keep checking the Learning Platform to find out about upcoming training sessions. Some of our upcoming sessions include – 🎓 Adjustment plans🎓 Introduction to managing unit accounts🎓 Celebrating every member🎓 Risky business

39th Brownies received a letter thanking them for raising funds for Great western air ambulance. Great effort girls!

It’s all been quiet on the restructuring front but there has been a lot going on in the background to get things ready. We had a great discussion at division exec (the meeting of our trustees and advisors) recently and have decided to go ahead with the changes. We will be gradually handing over responsibilities … Read more

County are running some more webinar sessions for those doing their LDP. These sessions are compulsory trainings for those working on the LDP, and they will be given priority, but any leader or unit volunteer is welcome to attend. If demand is high, more will be organised. Under 18s may attend, but will need to … Read more

We are taking the social media world by storm and are now on LinkedIn! We will be using this to promote volunteer roles to a wider audience. If you’re a LinkedIn user, please follow us and share our content to help us spread the word!

9th Guides had sun, rain and thunder on their camp and still managed to have a lot of fun! They had a campfire, went stand up paddle boarding and did archery, tie dyed t-shirts, and completed the Backwoods Cooking Guide badge!

We’re running a stall at the library on Saturday (8th June) to raise awareness of Girlguiding and hopefully recruit some new volunteers. This is part of the Big Help Out and volunteers week. The stall will be for 4 hours 10-2 and we need your help! Please let Vanessa know if you’re available to help … Read more

88th Rainbows worked towards their biscuit badge. They designed their own biscuits and played tic tac toe with biscuits. They also made a time capsule to open on their last session of rainbows, and decorated bunting.