Is your mobile number correct on Go?

There are going to be changes to how you log in to Go. It will change from requesting your memorable information, to a 2-factor authentication process similar to that used by banks and online shops.

Please make sure that your Go record is up to date and includes your mobile number.

While you’re there please also check your address and emergency contacts are correct too.

Instructions on how to log in to Go are here:

Once you’re logged in, there are instructions on how to update your details in the help files. If you need some help please contact your commissioner.

These changes are planned for sometime after February but the exact date hasn’t been announced.

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There are going to be changes to how you log in to Go. It will change from requesting your memorable information, to a 2-factor authentication process similar to that used by banks and online shops.

Please make sure that your Go record is up to date and includes your mobile number.

While you’re there please also check your address and emergency contacts are correct too.

Instructions on how to log in to Go are here:

Once you’re logged in, there are instructions on how to update your details in the help files. If you need some help please contact your commissioner.

These changes are planned for sometime after February but the exact date hasn’t been announced.

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