Congratulations to Emily Morris of 40th (St. Saviour’s) Brownies who started her training in Sheffield and has now recently completed modules 1, 2 and 3. She now has her Assistant Adult Leadership Qualification. Great news!

Metro bank offer and run in branch activities and teaching for children on how money, banking and personal finance works. This can be through schools or other groups such as brownies and guides. Find out more on their website: You don’t have to bank with them to do these, and one of our leaders … Read more

There’s a first response training session in Bath on the evening of 17th March in Bear Flat. The venue is accessible by bus from the city centre and there is free on street parking in the surrounding area. To enable the course to go ahead we need to fill more of the spaces so please … Read more

Congratulations to Emily Vaughan of 16th Rainbows who has recently completed modules 1, 2, 3 and 4. She now has her full Adult Leadership Qualification. This is very well deserved and great news!

The division exec are next meeting on Monday 7th March. If there’s an issue you think we should be discussing, please contact Laura by 22nd February. At the next meeting we plan to discuss how to encourage more girls to join brownies and rangers, how to encourage young volunteers to complete safe space training, … Read more

It’s important to regularly have a fire drill so that girls and volunteers know what to do if a fire starts during one of your meetings. You could even combine it with an activity such as Fire Fire! (Brownies unit meeting activity pack 2). More information about fire drills can be found in the Girlguiding … Read more

Congratulations to Katie at Bath 50th (Bathford) Brownies who has recently completed Module 4. She now has her full Adult Leadership Qualification. Great news!

Katrin at 50th Brownies has recently completed her Assistant ALQ. Congratulations Katrin, and thanks to everyone who helped on her training journey.

The best way to show potential girls and volunteers what a great time they could have is by sharing what we’re doing. For some ideas about how to take a great photo have a look at the Girlguiding website. To encourage you to do this, we’re offering a monthly prize for the best photo. Simply … Read more

We’re pleased to let you know that Katie Smith, leader with 50th Brownies, has agreed to take on the role of DBS co-ordinator. She will match DBS verifiers to people who need checks and generally keep the process moving along smoothly. Katie’s got a specific email for this role and you can contact her … Read more